Frequently Asked Questions

1. How will the Career Development program benefit me?

New World Medical’s focus on career development will benefit everyone:

  • our employees can grow and advance their career here at New World Medical.
  • New World Medical will be able to promote more, recruit less, and have more qualified and capable employees; and
  • our customers will benefit from better trained staff and more qualified managers.

2. How can I advance my career more quickly?

It’s up to you how quickly you progress in your career, but your progress will depend largely on your willingness to:

  • request feedback and accept it with gratitude;
  • act on it; and,
  • take advantage of opportunities to broaden your experience.

3. How will a Career Coach help me?

Your Career Coach will work with you to help identify your strengths, development needs, career objectives, and creative development activities to achieve your career objectives.  They will also encourage you and help keep you accountable to your career development commitments.

4. What if I’m ready for the next step in my career but my boss isn’t going anywhere soon?

It is important to remember that career advancement does not necessarily mean vertical progression (promotion).  In many cases, employees with the most breadth of experience are among the most useful.  Often, the best way to advance your career is to take assignments in a different area where you can apply your strengths in a different context and learn new skills.  Sometimes this even means taking a perceived step backwards.

Typically, as people climb higher in the organization, they play more of a generalist role than a specialist, which means they need a diversity of experiences and skills.

5. What if I don’t want to be a manager? Will New World Medical still develop me?

Absolutely.  The Career Development program is for anyone who wants to develop themselves professionally.  We need brilliant specialists and versatile generalists in addition to strong leaders.  All employees will have the opportunity to have regular career development discussions with a Career Coach if they wish.

6. If I take on extra work as part of my professional development, shouldn’t I be paid more?

People deserve more financial compensation when they are delivering more value.  When people are learning new responsibilities, they are not providing more value.  In fact, the reason we use the term “investing in our people” is because developing our people costs time and money, which we’re happy to do.  Your investment is the time and effort it will take to become proficient at more complex work.

7. In addition to meeting performance expectations and demonstrating the New World Medical Leadership Compass, is there anything else I can do to increase my chances of promotion?

A key responsibility of every leader is to develop the people they work with. It is much easier to promote someone who has prepared others to replace them. Given the choice between two equally qualified candidates for promotion, the one who has prepared others to replace them will be selected for advancement sooner.

8. Who should I speak to if I want to request training? My manager or my Career Coach?

Managers are primarily responsible for helping employees improve their performance in their current role. Career Coaches have been provided to help employees prepare for the next step in their career (either laterally or vertically).

A general guideline is that employees should speak to their manager if they need training to help them improve in their current position. Most career development activities discussed with your Career Coach will not require funding for training.

9. Will New World Medical pay for part of my education to help prepare me for advancement?

The People Committee may determine that additional education or certification is required to better prepare candidates for future positions. Please refer to our Professional Development Assistance Program, for more information.